Reg delete "HKU\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v TrustPolicy /f Reg delete "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v TrustPolicy /f Reg delete "HKU\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /fĮrrore: impossibile trovare la chiave del Registro di sistema o il valore specificato Reg delete "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /f Il processo con PID 6348 figlio di PID 1132 Š stato terminato. TaskKill.exe /F /IM SkypeBrowserHost.exe /T Il processo con PID 7372 figlio di PID 440 Š stato terminato. Also, using Internet Explorer check access to Skype and provide the URL of the report. If as a result the error was not corrected, copy the report from the notepad (step 4) and place it in the comments. It should be noted that in most cases, the script enable_javascript.bat fixes the bug, but for sure recommend to execute the instructions to the end. Click “OK” again (to close the “Internet Options”).Press “OK” (to close the “Security Settings”).Find “Scripting” and make sure that it is set to “Enabled” for the “Active scripting” option (if not, put the check mark).In the same tab, click ”Other” (referring to the level of security).Open the “Security” tab, click “Select the default security level for all zones” and click “Apply”.Select “Browser options” (in older versions of IE, “Internet options”).Open the menu “Tools” (in newer versions of IE, the gear icon).Start Internet Explorer ( C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe).After the script completes its work, a notepad with the report will open (don’t close it).If an error “Unable to find the specified module” appears, copy the text of the error by pressing Ctrl+ C and write in the comments.
#Sign in to skype windows
As a result, you will get two (on Windows XP) or three (other operating systems) notifications of successful completion of DLLRegisterServer.Press right click on the file and select “Run as administrator”.

#Sign in to skype download
Download the script enable_javascript.bat.If you have Windows XP, first of all enable AES-256 for Windows XP.T Davies: Amazing! Downloaded the vbscript and it works! Thanks :-).Daniel: It worked great!.made shortcut with command line provided on my desktop! Thanks -) Using Chrome….Retired, hobby is fixing old Thinkpads, most of which run XP, spent a lot of time tr… I installed all the program from above and re-install the skype for business 2016 and it worked… Paolo: thanks, it worked for me! (Win 10, Skype 8.45).toing: Thanks for your CreateWebSkypeLNK.vbs and now my friend computer can using skype.Penguin Sniper: OMG THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!.Worked well for me with the chrome download provided and with the web.lnk dow… kate: Thank you, it works perfectly on Windows 7!.
#Sign in to skype software