Championship zed one shot nightblue3
Championship zed one shot nightblue3

Fleet Footwork is a good replacement for Hail of Blades if you are going to be a little less aggressive.This causes Rengar to have high burst damage and gives him strong skirmishes, outdamging Electrocute and Dark Harvest because of the initial burst along with the extra attack speed for 2 more auto attacks + 1 Emp Q reset. If you use Q, mid air, you can get a bug where Rengar will do his q and auto on the same second. Combining the triggering attack with Rengar's ultimate will helps to take out a squishy target in a blink of eyes. Hail of Blades is the best keystone for Rengar when jungling as it provides more burst damage as the game progresses.Make sure your lane partner(s) is there to deal the damage or alternatively you deal the damage while they focus CC abilities.This double Bola Strike root combo is mostly inescapable unless they have two or more flash/dash abilities. This combo is an effective lockdown tactic, which most champions would find escaping difficult (unless you miss the skillshots).After level 6 it should be OK to take 1-3 turret hits when ganking a lane to secure a kill.Once 4 Ferocity stacks have been reached again use Bola Strike to root them again, or Savagery for more damage.Then, use abilities to reach 4 Ferocity stacks again in which time you can Bola Strike to slow them for a ton, or use Savagery for further damage.Use either Savagery for burst damage or Bola Strike for superior CC lockdown during or shortly after leaping.With 3-4 stacks of Ferocity, engage the enemy with Thrill of the Hunt.Jungle Rengar is one of the best CC bursters allowing the player to Double Root:.It is extremely effective when ganking and is very easy for your teammates to deal more damage for a kill. Therefore, casting Thrill of the Hunt first, leaping on an enemy champion with Unseen Predator then using Bola Strike mid-air almost guarantees a root, then following Bola Strike for further slow. Rengar can cast Bola Strike and Bola Strike when he's leaping mid-air with Unseen Predator.Using Thrill of the Hunt with 4 Ferocity charges can lead to an overwhelming burst of damage, as he can leave stealth with an empowered skill, use his 3 non-empowered skills in quick succession on his target.When ganking a warded lane, use Thrill of the Hunt outside of the ward's range.This can also prevent enemy champions juking you or your allies using the fog of war or bushes. This can allow his team to catch enemy champions hiding in bushes, or to prevent an ambush by the enemy hiding in bushes. Thrill of the Hunt allows Rengar to scout as it reveals enemy champions in a huge radius.So keep this in mind while you are in battle. When you cast Thrill of the Hunt Rengar does not immediately turn camouflaged but after about a 2-second delay.

championship zed one shot nightblue3

Rengar can use his ultimate in order to see invisible champions, such as Shaco, Twitch, Evelynn, or another Rengar.Thrill of the Hunt is a decent tool for escaping ganks and other nasty situations.Use Bola Strike in order to stop enemies from running away.Consider it over maxing Bola Strike, when jungling or playing defensively. Maxing Battle Roar first gives you a good burst of AoE damage.

championship zed one shot nightblue3

  • When jungling alternate between Battle Roar and Savagery.
  • This allows him for excellent survivability both in lanes and jungles.
  • Rengar is a great jungler as his Battle Roar heals him for some of the damage he taken.
  • Maxing Savagery first gives you some wave clear power and burst.
  • This is a great tactic for stealing epic monsters when counter-jungling or killing the enemy jungler.
  • However, make sure they're inside your circle. Place a ward next to a jungle camp and get inside a brush over the wall, then simply attack the monsters.
  • Rengar can hop over walls using Unseen Predator.
  • Use this to your advantage and use Thrill of the Hunt combined with Savagery for an exceptionally well executed combo in rapid succession, then slow the enemy using your Bola Strike.

    championship zed one shot nightblue3

    Unseen Predator allows Rengar to lunge to his enemies while camouflaged using his ultimate.Be careful with this as opponents will know if they are revealed.Use Thrill of the Hunt in order to not be seen across the map as you move towards your gank or save it for chasing if you think the target can escape with Flash and/or stealth or dash ability. Unseen Predator allows you to gank unexpectedly.

    Championship zed one shot nightblue3